Freedom in Christ Ministries

Freedom In Christ Ministries

Freedom in Christ Ministries is a Discipleship Ministry developed by Dr. Neil T. Anderson (Talbot School of Theology) that is built around biblical and spiritual truths.  It is aimed at those who are not experiencing growth or fruitfulness in their spiritual walk due to unbiblical thinking, feelings, and actions.  The ministry walks participants through a biblical, moral and spiritual inventory that helps them to identify areas of growth and sanctification.  By participating in the ministry believers are equipped to walk in truth and become more fruitful disciples of Jesus.  


What can I expect from this ministry?

Through a book-based 12-week small group experience, you will learn about:

  1. The reality of the dark side

  2. The schemes of the enemy

  3. The importance of forgiveness

  4. How to take God-given authority to break the power of spiritual lies and strongholds in your life

  5. God’s truths and weapons through the Armor of God for daily Victory

In this process, you will be introduced to the Steps to Freedom in Christ.  This is a prayer and repentance process where-with God’s presence and the leading of the Holy Spirit, you will apply these biblical truths to help you resolve Spiritual and personal conflicts. 

You will also learn how to continue to grow and maintain your new-found freedom by applying daily practices of renewing your mind and taking thoughts captive. This process requires personal responsibility and a response of faith on your part.

This experience is equally valuable for new believers and seasoned saints. 

The next small group experience starts Tuesday, September 10th (9:30-11:00 am). The course material for this Fall session will be The Bondage Breaker, by Dr. Neil T. Anderson.

Please email if you have any questions or would like to sign up.


Life After Suicide Loss

